Monday, March 9, 2020

How A Guaranteed Phone Call With This Company Can Lead To A Job

How A Guaranteed Phone Call With This Company Can Lead To A JobHow A Guaranteed Conversation With This Company Can Lead To A Full-Time JobDavid leads a gruppe of sales recruiters atNational General Insurance, but unlike fruchtwein recruiters, their job isnt just tojudge you on your resume and put you into a pass-or-fail pile. David and hiskollektiv want to talk. Seriously. If you apply to National General Insurance,theyll give you a call. If you dont pick up, theyll leave a voicemail andsend you an email. Then theyll call again. Thats because having a realconversation is an essential part of the recruiting process at NatGen. So, theyspeak to every candidate on the phone.This new recruiting process is just the latestin a line of innovative steps the company has taken to stay competitive, bothas a company and an employer. And so we spoke to David to find out a bit moreabout itand how you could end up finding your dream job with them because ofit.How NatGen Changed The Recruiting Proces s To Find The Sales IntangiblesOne of the hardest things for any growingbusiness is to find the right volume and quality of salespeople. Theyre thelifeblood of any organization. Without a great sales team, the product, ideas,and mission simply wont exist for very long without new business to keep themgoing and growing.National General has been in the insuranceindustry since 1939, and theyve expanded and innovated to become a leadertoday. This new approach to sales recruiting, David says, is just aelendher partof that growth.We just dont stand with the old guard of,This is how recruiting welches always done, David says. We were growing soquickly that we just couldnt do that anymore.The next step for the NatGen team was to lookat the data.We reviewed our best performers, theirresumes, how they interview, and we realized that we cant just go off theirresumes, he explains.Instead, his team at NatGen contacts everycandidate and has a regular conversation. This has led David and his team tofind many diamonds in the rough, essentially, people who might not be themost skilled at crafting resumes, but actually have what it takes to succeed insales.Theres another major benefit, too, toNatGens method It takes place over the phone, whichas a test of salesabilityactually makes a lot of sense.You can have the best resume in the world,but if you cant connect over the phone, if you dont take an interest in theperson youre talking to, and if youre just not likable, youre just not goingto do well in this role, David explains. Were looking for intangibles thatyoure just not going to get from reading black and white text.NatGen Doesnt Just Innovate RecruitingTheyve Revamped Training To Ensure Your Success At The CompanySales is a particularly tough industry forturnoverin fact, theres a minimum of 20% every year. The biggestreasons are a lack of proper training, poor performance, and low morale.Basically, David says, We know that if theyre not making money, theyre nothappy, theyre not feeling the team environment, theyre gonna leave. And thats why the team at NatGen didnt stopat changing the recruiting process. They redesigned the onboarding and trainingprocess, too.Weeks before you arrive, youll already be putin contact with your sales trainer, team lead, and veteran agents who can helpyou begin the learning and on-boarding process. Once you arrive at the company,the focus will be on a combination of formal training with experientiallearning and one-on-one coaching.The reason it works so well at NatGen, Davidexplains, is because theyre utilizing their top performers to train the newerclasses.What we did was create a whole new departmentfor new-hire team leads, he says. So, we promoted our best team leaders onour sales side to meet and grow the new candidates as they come in.The trainers and managers for new hires atNatGen have real, in-the-trenches knowledge to share with their classesbecause they all started in that role. This ensures that each individuals alesperson at NatGen can rely on mentorship and training, as well as a senseof belonging, because that what makes salespeople succeed.David and the team at NatGen want everyonethey hire to realize their potentialand thats why theyve put so much intofinding and honing new talent.We dont just have you come in, watch a fewthings, and say, Good luck, David says. Were invested in you.Want to start a career with a company that looks forthe best in youand then helps you realize it? Check out open opportunities at National General

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