Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pursuing a promotion while pregnant

Pursuing a promotion while pregnantPursuing a promotion while pregnantIn the fall of 2018, I applied for a new role within my organization. It seemed like a great fit that would give me an opportunity realize one of my career goals. I thought, How can I reisepass this up? There was just one important factor to consider I was 5 months pregnant. But, I wasnt going to let that stop me from growing in my career.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIf youve been considering whether or not you shouldpursue a promotionwhile pregnant, here are a few tips on how I approached my situation and how you might, tooKnow Yourself and Your LimitationsAlong with all the new learning curves that come with taking on a new position at work, dont forget to consider that youll be taking on the additional role ofbecoming a mother. Thats taking on a lot of change and responsibility at once So take a personal inventory and decide if youll be able to handle it.If you have a partner, talk with them about the pros and cons, search your heart, and listen to your gut. Ultimately, know that taking on this promotion at this time in your life will challenge you to be the best version of yourself.Seek Advice, But Be Ready for Lots of OpinionsSolicit advice from peers and mentors who can help prepare you for what is to come. Its extremely valuable to learn fromother moms experiences, but when you open yourself up for advice, be ready for a lot of entgegengesetzt opinions to come your way, too.You may find that women colleagues who continue to advance their career while also starting their family are generally encouraging and supportive. But, speaking from my experience, you may also encounter others who think youre making a big mistake by taking ona promotionand becoming a mother at the same time.Appreciate their perspective, but dont let it completely deter you from pursuing your goals. Take eac h nugget of advice that comes your way with a grain of salt and use them to educate and prepare yourself for the possibilities.Honesty is the Best PolicyBut Also Know Your RightsTaking on a new role while pregnant will be challenging for both you and your organization, so I approached the topic with as much honesty as possible when talking with my hiring director. That way, we were able to take a collaborative approach to plan for my maternity leave.Although youre not obligated to disclose your pregnancy and you may feel like youre running the risk that that information could be used to discriminate against you, know that such discrimination is illegal based on the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1970.At the end of the day, its your decision, but if youre going to start a new position, think about whether you really want to start off those new working relationships by withholding information.VisitU.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissionfor more information and to understand your legal rights and protections, too.Ultimately, I am satisfied and proud of this career move. I found that taking on this promotion at this time in my life challenges me to be the best version of myself. I hope that I am able to show the women that I have the opportunity to work with and mentor that they dont have to make a choice between their career and starting a family. That they dont have to postpone their professional advancement in order to pursue their personal goals.Whats your take?Have you pursued a promotion or job change while pregnant? Are you thinking about doing so? Whats holding you back? What factors are you considering when weighing your choices to move forward? Share your experience in the comments below.This article first appeared on Bossed Up.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

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